The situation concerning the future of girls in Afghanistan is uncertain, yet so important. Will girls be able to pursue their dreams ever again? What if girls are deprived of their futures and independence? We cannot and will not let this happen.
That’s why we, 2 young activists, Chiara and Anya have decided to line up with our Afghan sisters in this fight.
Girls education needs to be a priority forever and always.
So, we started this fundraiser together, because we want these girls get back their education. Girls’ education is a RIGHT, not a privilege. We are here to show Afghan girls they are not alone.
We teamed up with Malala Fund in the realization of this fundraiser, because we strongly support their values in creating a world where all girls can learn and lead.
Malala has also had a similar experience with the Taliban, as many Afghan girls are now – their safety is questioned, and rights are being taken away, one by one.
We hope you can help support this fundraiser to benefit our Afghan sisters in this fight! Don’t forget that every contribution is appreciated, no matter how big or small it is.
Donate to “Help Support Afghan Girls Get The Education They Deserve” Fundraiser!
Thank you!
Anya and Chiara