Becoming is the memoir written firsthand by the Former First Lady Michelle Obama, released in 2018 and translated in more than 31 languages.
Becoming is a celebration for women, because as Mrs. Obama said, it’s the story of all women regardless of their heritage, of their religion and colour of the skin.
The First Lady talks about her childhood, the strength and resiliance of her mother, and the illness of her father. She talks about how her parents teachings made her become the woman she’s today, a strong woman, who put her love for her family and her beautiful country first.
“Am I good enough ? Yes, I am”
-Michelle Obama
She opens up about her first meeting with husband Michelle Obama and his willingness of running for president in 2008.
Becoming is the backstage of a family who made history in the White House: unreleased conversations, the struggles and the hope of the electoral campaign driven forward ‘till the end never stopping to believe in American people.
Michelle Obama tells her story not because it’s unique, but because it can inspire others to find light in their lives.
“Do we settle for the world as it is, or do we work for the world as it should be?”
– Michelle Obama
The autobiography is told with genuine words and dignity.
She always remembers to thank American people for having faith in them and supported them along this difficult and curvy path.
In conclusion I would highly recommend this story, because it can inspire you so much and be a lighthouse for your journey.