The 8th of March: International Women’s Day.
In this particular historical time women should be celebrated more than ever. Women are actively shaping our world today.
In 2020 women have been the main protagonists in the fight for this potential virus, risking their life to save others.
Women have also been the ones who have driven social change: we can think about all the young girls and women who marched in the streets to fight for racial justice and climate change.
Women are demanding change in a society where men lead. Kamala Harris is the first female vice-president in the history of the USA. In her speech she gave us hope when she said she won’t be the last to cover this role. All the little girls can dream of becoming president one day.
But we should remember every day women’s work and not just once a year. We need to pray for all the victims of violence. Women should never be afraid of being themselves without masks and filters!
On this particular day, I decided to collaborate with Vee Kativhu, a YouTuber studying at Harvard University , who advocates for girl education around the world.
Vee every year organizes events to empower girls to follow their dreams and she recently founded Empowered By Vee, a platform that involves young girls from around the world to speak up and make their voice heard.
…and what does female empowerment mean to you ?